Inquiry Form

Inquiry Form

  1. Step1 お客様情報入力
  2. Step2 内容確認
  3. Step3 完了

Please enter your inquiry

After completing this form, please click the “Confirm” button.
We will ensure our best to meet your needs. (※Required)
※ We cannot introduce a room in same apartment you live now, under current contractor's name.
※ For international customers, we request that you submit your inquiry form at least one month before arriving in Japan.
Preferable Building Name Makuhari Bay Town Patios 7Bangai
Rent 139,000円
Layout 2LDK
Current Uchise Chiba-Mihama Chiba1-5 パティオス7番街
Contract Type
ReasonReason for Moving
  • 1st Preference
    2nd Preference
    Rent Range
    Preferable room size
    Distance from Station
    Working place / Station name
    Approximate move in date
    Regarding UR Rental Housing
    Pre-Reservation Services


    Speak Japanese ?
    Annual Income
    Company Name
    Who referred you to us ?
    Current Address
    TEL Please input half-width alphanumeric
    E-mail Please input half-width alphanumeric
    Other Requests
    privacy mark
    whitestone Co. Ltd. (17004104)